Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Raiders of the Lost Ark Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones and the Tomb Raiders of the Lost Ark
Anna Paquein Liana Leberato Ava Acares Dre de Mater Daniela Jasira Loredo Cam Gigande Britt Morgan KYLE T. HEFNER Lloyd Owen Eddie Pepithorn Jeff Hepner V.J. FOSTER Sabrina Janarino Michael Coveduck Noland Aaron Conte
Lin Shashi Tobin Bell Chester Rush Rush Irene Sanders MIKE C. MANNING Sloan Morgan Siegel Judd Rodman RANDY J. GOODWIN Toby Reed Aidan Bertola Madeleine Wade Sierra Hanna Randy Chucky Charlotte Holden
Richard Dreyfuss François Trier Terry Gale Melinda Dillon Bob Barabane J. PATRICK MCNAMARA Warren Kenmelin Roberts Brotham Philip Dodds Kari Garfield Lance Henry Carson Meryl Connelly Gene Dinaski Norman Bartold Joseph Sommer Carl Weathers