Michael Dudikoff Rick Fox Molly Hagan Dwight Henry Lance E. Nichols Ed Quinn Mikal Wig Ni Honoré Massimo Dobrovich Damon Lipari Judd Rodman Charlie Talbot
Tom Hardy Kate Fleetwood Lee Nicholas Harris Eloise Lawrence Jenny Galloway James Doherty Olivia Coleman Janet Humphrey calvin demba ta mcdonald damper gillian bevan clare bt debra baker
Richard Armitage Hailey Joe Osmon Isabella Skorupco Ana O'Reilly Emma Fitzpatrick Alberta Meny Jack Brod Rachel Melvin Adam O'Byrne Chloe Stearns Hunter Stiebel
Heather Graham Rachel Capani Jason Lewis Manson Cook MacKenzie Grey Jedediah Goodak Emily Tenant Christine Leepa Grinius Davis Weena Sood Bailey Skopje Robert Maloney
The Game of Hunger: The Final Book of Free Dreams(Station) The End of the Hunger Game: A Free Dream2(Port) Famine Game 3: Free Dreams(Down) The Hunger Game: Free Dreams(Down)Game of Hunger Part III(Down)- Mockingbirds(Down)
Jared Cohen Zach Ward Julie McCulaf Rachel Chu James Cullen Bressack Susie Butler Hitoshi Inoue Jonah Keel Curtis Kingsley Scott Mullen Montana Joe Lawson David Michael Ratt Frankie Muniz Jenna Simms