Lucas Bond Kate Ashfield Sophie Brooke Anil Desai Alison Garner Lucinda Holloway Ffion Jolly Neil Maskel Nina Sorrentino Will Thorpe Luke Trudwell Indira Varma Jordan Whyte Abigail Wisdom
Salma Hayek Kolo Sevini John Lisgor Connie Briden Amy Landek Jay Dupras John Early David Woshowski Sean O'Brien Enrique Castillo Natalia Abelella Soledad Saint Hilaire
Sniper elite: Homeland Security Sniper 7: Homeland Security Sniper elite: End of War Sniper: End of War Sniper: End of War Sniper elite: end of War Sniper elite: top of the battle
Matt Ryan Camilla Luddington Jason O'Mara Ray Chase Enrique Colantoni Roger R. Krause Jeremy Davis Rosario Dawson Brian T. Delaney Alfred Molina Jerry O'Connell Colleen O'Shaughnessy Jeffrey Vincent Parise Post Fred Tattesio De
Damien Bonnar Lindsay Burch Anjelica Huston Esther Garrel Alice de Lancissa Jacques Noller Françoise Lebrun Christopher Favre Lola Bassey Christopher Tech Isabelle Unga