Peace 2019
recon ghost (Taiwan)
We 1944
1944 Armored Company (Taiwan) 1944 1944: forced to fight
Action goal
Operation Valkyrie (Hong Kong) Operation Codename: Valkyrie (Taiwan) Assassination Valkyrie Plan Valkyrie
Mongol king
Genghis Khan Mongol King: Genghis Khan’s early life Temujin: The establishment of the land mongol: the early years of genghiskhan монгол
celestial dynasty
The Heroes of Heaven (Hong Kong) The King of the World (Taiwan) Dynasty
dungeon siege 2
Revenge of Time Dungeon Siege 2: Two Worlds in the name of the king: o worlds
Soldiers approaching the city
Contest in the decisive battle The current enemy (Taiwan) The edge of hostility (Hong Kong)
Villain's Fatal Order (Taiwan) Assassination of Heydrich Operation Codename: Ape Man the man with the in heart
The village under the iron heel
Silently asked about the day (Hong Kong) the person who will come someone is coming the man who will come
tin drum
the tin drum the boy who refused to grow up the tin drum
Bridge on the River Kwai
Frogman Undersea Battle
Heroes of the Rain Tower Surprise Undersea Battle Frogman Team
Mission sky nebo mission «sky»
Pierre Renoir Lise Delamare Léon Larive
Desperate Minefield
mine hazard area
Panfilov 28 Warriors
Двадцать восемь панфиловцев Panfilov's 28 Panfilov's 28 Men Panfilov's Twenty Eight
Battle blood-stained robe
Zulu War
Operation Anthropoid
Ape Man (Taiwan) Ape Man Operation Ape Man War Assassination of Heydrich
Our Fathers 3
We we memory of war generation war
Farewell to the king
Goodbye King
James D'Arcy Maria Valvodt Jack Davenport Ingrid Garcia Jonsson Alex Garcia Barbara Gonaga Burn Gorman Joachim Paul Asbock Markus Oberhauer Victor Clavijo Julian Biagrain Irina Escola Jon Arnold Eli Na Iruretta Ugo Silva
Heroes Re-Heroes (Hong Kong)
Schindler's List
Sutera's List (Hong Kong) Schindler's List
Liberation 1: Gunfire Arc
Nikolay Olyalin Larissa Galubkina Boris Seidenberg Sergey Nikonenko Vsevolod Sanaev Vladimir Samoylov
Elizabeth 2: The Golden Age
The Legendary Queen Elizabeth: The Golden Age (Hong Kong) Elizabeth: The Ages (Taiwan)
Stifling Love Blood Sea Brothers Brotherly Love Double Love Road
Letters from Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima's Book Letter from Iwo Jima Iwo Jima's War Book Iwo Jima Paper
Liberation 5: The Final Strike
Nikolay Olyalin Larisa Golubkina
Ivan Denisovich
100 minutes Ivan Denisovich 100 Minutes
fake captain
In the name of Xi Mo (Hong Kong) the captain
Love Stand (Hong Kong) Double-Sided Franz (Taiwan)
war and peace
War and Peace Voyna i mir
Pearl Harbor
Battle of May 5th
Cinco de Mayo: The Battle
Aida, where are you going?
Assault on the Safe Zone (Hong Kong) Operation Aida (Taiwan) Aida what happened? Ada where are you going? Aida where are you going?
mrs hamilton
Zhonghunjuanxuelihentian lady hamilton
longest day
Blue Blood and Long Sky (Hong Kong) The Longest One
Never Give In (Taiwan) Extraordinary Life History (Hong Kong)
prisoner escape
last escape resistance le vent souffle où il veut a man escaped
Scout Hoon
Detective Hoon secrets agent podvig razvedchika forever secret
General Patton
Iron-blooded General Patton patton: a salute to a rebel patton: lust for glory
Surprise attack on 60 positions
Under Hill 60 the silent war
black book
Black Book of Fear Black List Black Book of Fear Black Book
Girl Luohe
The Age of Innocence (Taiwan) Black Room Lorui Lola Luohe
Heroes (Hong Kong) The King's Counterattack (Taiwan) General Coriolan
What a lovely war
Xianle Military Spirit
Sergeant York
Gunslinger Sergeant York
Rwanda Hotel
Luanda Hotel (Taiwan)
The Russian Army's Resistance against Germany alexander nevsky
scorched earth city
The Burning Body (Taiwan) Confessions (Hong Kong) The Burnt Forehead The Burning City Middle East Greek Tragedy Lebanese Oedipus
We are from the future 2
Crusade lost 2 We Are from the Future 2
Liberation 4: Battle for Berlin
Heart fire
Heart of Fire
big pirate
Yul Brynner Charlton Heston
Blast behind enemy lines
Bombing of the Lour Dam Big Bomb
Battle of Passchendaele
Paul Gross Carolina Davena Gil Bellows
Pan's Labyrinth
Devil's Labyrinth (Hong Kong) Sheep Man's Labyrinth (Taiwan) Pan's Labyrinth Fantasy Labyrinth Pan's Labynth
jade broken saipan
Jeffrey Hunter David Janson Vic Damone Patricia Owens
Theme Color
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