Charlie Day Jenny Slater Scott Eastwood Gina Rodriguez Manny Jasinito Clark Batsko Luke David Bloom Giselle Torres Isabel May Quinn Cooke Claudia Rocafort Kysen Acevedo Lauren Halperin Jamie Gertz Betsy Sligh Jordan Carlos Franco Castan Dylan Grula Mason
Double male uprising(Station) The Revolution(Port) The uprising is raging Brother growling Indian Ice Fireman RRR (Rise Roar Revolt) Roudram Ranam Rudhiram
Karen Gillan Aaron Paul Bjura Cole Theo James Elena Jackson Maya Paunio Raya Lester Joan Hayder Christopher Goumerus Nico Shekinen Janie Shekinen Elsa Saisio Rem Walisaari Minea Walisaari Amira Khalifa Katalina Hawukänning Riley Struensee Marcetta Ticanin
Bruce Willis Thomas Jane Clive Standen Theo Rossi Jackie Moore Mike Tyson Kurt Yue Maddie Nichols Derek Russell Eric Buarque Kaya Collie Lauren Buglioli Dustin Lewis Maury Morgan Patrick Lamont Jr. Darryl Dillard Randy González
It's a fucking multiple universe(Station) All the world's all at once all at once all at once(Singapore)- The Wonder Woman is saving the universe(Port)
Lee Thompson Eva Langlia Matt Walsh Johnny Penburton Hara Finley El Madrid Tina Parker Brad Morris Gail Cronault Joel Kim Booster Stacie Greenwell Nancy Friedrich