Agatha the Witch (Hong Kong) Agatha: Everywhere (Taiwan) Always Agatha WandaVision spin-off Agatha: The Dark Scribe Agatha: Coven Agatha: Chaos agatha: darkhold diaes agatha: coven of chaos agatha: house of harkness agatha: the lying witch with great war
Harry Laudie Andy Oshu Jessica Baden Julie Hessford Hallger Lily Newmark Jenny D Sophia Brown Dominique Mavheim Ben Starr Stevie Davis Alfredo Tavares Emilio Douglasin Genesis Lynea Lucas Tyson Isabella Tyson Clarence Smith Dean Kilbey
Eva Baya Gary Lusper Jeremy Lahart Tibo Efrad Radeh Beletcher Gérard Langwan Samir Decazza Clementine Salarier Céline Jorrion Rayan Bouazza Estelle Darnault Manon Girardi Méléane Aslan Vincent Belsoule Sam B. Louiz Jean-Yves Rochelle Mohamed Makhtoumi Ant
Angus Claude Jason Omara Jason Wells Spencer Garrett Sterling Biyoman Elliott Knight Musa Crash Jessica Gasa Sebastian Sozzi Yuri Brown Jerry Moore Mary E. Kennedy Katherine LaVictoire Charlie Magdaleno Brendan Morrow Ronald Griffin Daniel Gomez