Carla Guccino Karel Struky Bruce Greenwood Henry Thomas Chiara Olivera Kate Seagel Natalie Rolls Tom Green Stu Cookson Gwendolyn Mulamba Ben Proski Jon Arthur Nikki Reynolds
Phil Keohan Dana Alexa Cameron Benson Darius Benson Burnie Burns Martha Cobb Joslyn Davis Blair Fowler Scott Fowler Kurt Gibson Ashley Jenkins Rachel King Zach King Korey Kuhl Cole LaBrant
Cogan-Michael Kay Jordan Pier Kenu Reves Marcel Mann Will Ford Daryl Britt-Jibson Nia Lang Rob Shebelle Jason Mitchell Louis Guzman Tiffany Hades Madison Wolff Sam Medina Starlet Miarioni
Sniper elite: Homeland Security Sniper 7: Homeland Security Sniper elite: End of War Sniper: End of War Sniper: End of War Sniper elite: end of War Sniper elite: top of the battle