Angus Claude Jason Omara Jason Wells Spencer Garrett Sterling Biyoman Elliott Knight Musa Crash Jessica Gasa Sebastian Sozzi Yuri Brown Jerry Moore Mary E. Kennedy Katherine LaVictoire Charlie Magdaleno Brendan Morrow Ronald Griffin Daniel Gomez
Charlotte Fountain-Jardim Thomas Robie Noen Perez Channah Zeitung Amit Sarin Will Murden Joey Bothwell Chris Gehrt Jennifer Lee Laks Sandy Little Danielle Harris Dawn Noel
Norman Lear: 100 ans de musique et de rires(French) Norman Lear: 100 Jahre Musik und Lachen(Deok) Norman Lear: 100 anni di musica e risate(Meaning) ノーマン・リア: 100 # In the voice of the year #(Day) Norman Lear: 100 Years of Music and Laughter