Performer:Tessa Thompson Lily James James Dale Lance Leeddick Luke Kirby Charlie Ray Reid
Director:Nia da Costa
Performer:Luis Tosar Luis Kayeh Jamie Lopez Vincent Romero Candido Ulaanbaatar Juanjo Pérez Eust Adriano Carvalho Yoima Valdés Mona Martinez Maria Alphonsa Rosso
Director:Benito Sambrano
Performer:Adam Baldwin Jeremy Sampter Gil Wagner Jet Jurgensmir Alejandro Debrey Randy Wayne William Shokley Tom Proctor Danny Vincent Rob Moran
Director:Brent Christy
Performer:Pisce Fort Russell Hocchkinson Elias Stevenson S. Scott McCracken Angela DiMarco Richie Morris Eryn Rea Anisha Adusumilli
Director:Domenic Barbero Jerry Spears
Performer:Christopher Valdez William Duff Rachel Brosnayan Benjamin Blart Hamish Lincoln Guy Burnett Brandon Scott J.D. Garfield Rocko Reyes Shawn-Caulin Young Herman Johansen Jackmo Bazar Luis Chávez Gabriela Alicia Ortega Warren Burke Scott Pitt Diana Vargas Alfr
Director:Walter Hill
Performer:Ella Fischer Jim Parsons Ansone Montt Jillian Jacobs Bass Johnson Roberto Sanchez Eva Langlia Jeff Branson John de Lancey Joanna Cassidy
Director:Kevin Groot
Performer:Thomas Jane Anna Camp Zach McGwein Richard Dreyfuss Gabriel Bourne Emma Kenny Nat Wolfe Amy Garcia Scotty Thomson Tanaia Biti Isaiah Mustafa John Aless Leah Marie Johnson Brian Brown Joe Nichols
Director:Richard Grey
Performer:Julia Gudani Taylors Ashley Zuckerman Caitlin Gerard Dylan Maddy
Director:Emma Tammy
Performer:Benedict Comberbach Kristen Dunst Curtis Smith-Muffy Jesse Plamont Thomasin McKenzie Keith Karadhan Frances Conroy Guinevere Lemon Sean Keenan George Mason David Denis Cohen Holloway Alice Englet Yvette Reid Stephan Lauvat Vadim Ledogorov Julie Forses Pet
Director:Jane Campion
Performer:Jonathan Meyers Regina King Idriss Alba Eddie Gathergie Sage Bates Rakes Stanfield Delroy Lindh Tate Fletcher RJ SYLAR Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine Julio Zediro Howard Ferguson Jr Danielle DeWyler Dylan Konin Mark Smith NICHOLAS G. SIMMS Mickey Dolan J. NATHAN
Director:James Samuel
Performer:glen moshower sterio savant bates wilder tanajsia slghter
Director:Chris Canfield
Performer:Kevin Costner Mary McDonnell Graham Greene Rodney Grant Floyd Westman Tantu Cardinal Robert Pastorelli Charles Rockett Maury Chaykin Jim Herman Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse Michael Spears Jason R. Lone Hill Tony Pierce Dos Leader Charge Tom
Director:Kevin Costner
Performer:Paul Newman Robert Redford Katherine Ross Strother Martin
Director:george roy hill
Performer:Fred MacMurray Charlton Heston Donna Reed Barbara Hale William Demarest
Director:Rudolf Mattei
Performer:Sharon Matt Kip Marsh Bambi Allen Larry Martinelli William Varris Herbert Townsend Bob Dorn
Director:Herschell Gordon Lewis
Performer:Henry Fonda Anthony Perkins Bethy Palmer
Director:Anthony Mann
Performer:John Wayne Maureen O'Hara Johnson Claude Jarman Jr. Harry Carey Jr. Chil Wells Carol Neish Victor McLaglen Grant Withers sons of the pioneers Peter Ortiz Steve Pendleton Caroline Grimes Alberto Morin Stan Jones
Director:John Ford
Performer:John Wayne Sheila Bromley Frank McGlynn Jr. James Farley Jack Curtis Bradley Metcalfe Dickie Jones Mary MacLaren Yakima Canutt Hank Bell Glenn Strange The Singing Riders
Director:Robert N. Bradbury
Performer:Gary Cooper Grace Kelly Thomas Mitchell Lloyd Bridges Katie Juradu Otto Kruger Lon Chaney Jr. Lee Van Klee husband
Director:Fred Zinnemann
Performer:Charlton Heston Rhonda Fleming Jane Sterling Frost Tucker Porter Hall
Director:Jerry Hopper
Performer:Edmund O'Brien Yvonne De Carlo Richard Allen Barry Fitzgerald Gladys George Cathy Rogers Edgar Barjanan Michael D. Moore John Dix
Director:Byron Haskin
Performer:James Cagney Viveca Lindfors John Derek Jean Hersholt Grant Withers Ernest Borgnine Irving Bacon
Director:Nicholas Ray
Performer:Yul Brynner Robert Mitchum Charles Son Maria Grazia Buccella
Director:Baz Couric
Performer:Gary Cooper Barbara Stanwyck Ruth Roman Anthony Quinn Ward Bond Ian Macdonald Chard Karlan Juan García
Director:Ugo Fregonese
Performer:Brad Pitt Anthony Hopkins Aidan Quinn Julia Ormond Henry Thomas Karina Lombard Tantu Cardinalo Gordon Tutosi Si Christina Pickles John Novak Kenneth Welsh Nigel Nate Keegan McIntosh Eric Johnson Randall Slavin David Kaye Charles Andre Ke
Director:Edward Zwick
Performer:Steve McQueen Karl Malden Brian Keys Arthur Kennedy Suzanne Pleshette
Director:Henry Hathaway
Performer:John Wayne Gail Russell Harry Carey Bruce Cabot Eileen Ledge Lee Dixon Tom Powers Paul Hurst Orin Holland joan barton marshall reed
Director:james edward grant
Performer:Kirk Douglas Jenny Crane Claire Trevor William Campbell Richard Boone Jay C. Flippen Myrna Hansen Marla Corday Dee Waller Sheb Woolley George Frank Chase Paul Birch Roy Barcroft William Phillips
Director:Kim Vidor
Performer:Randolph Scott Gail Russell Lee Marvin
Director:Bud Boetticher
Performer:Joan Crawford Sterling Hayden Mercedes McCambridge Scott Brandy Ward Bond Cooper Ernest Borgnine John Carradine Royal Dano Frank Ferguson Paul Fix Rhys Williams Ian Macdonald Trevor Baddett George Bell Bob BWS Chi gram hennanan frank marl
Director:Nicholas Ray
Performer:Dorff Tim Blake Nelson Richard Speight Jr. Max Arciniega Scott Haze Brad Carter Trace Adkins Gavin Lewis Kent Shelton
Director:Partash Ponsiri
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