Performer:Jared Leto Matt Smith Andrea Ahona Jared Harris Teres Gibson El Madrid Michael Keaton Charlie Shortwell Tom Forbes Clara Rosaji Chris Johnson Bingley Karu Archy Reynolds JoJo Makari Abraham Bobola Barry Alder Chris Lehman Manoy Anand Kaderosa Ona Carol Ru
Director:Daniel Espinosa
Performer:Jhey Castles Jason Wood Grace Van Dean
Director:John Baumgartner
Performer:Norman Redes Germain Hansel Ho Jiabao David Nick
Director:Christian Cantamessa
Performer:Michael Shannon Joel Egerton Kristen Dunst Adam Draff Jaden Matel Sam Sharpe Scott Hazel Bill Camp Paul Sparks Dana Greer Wayne Perry James Dumont Billy Slote Garrett Haines Sean Briggs
Director:Jeff Nichols
Performer:Chad McNairt Brianna Davis AJ BOWEN Scott Boyceles Michael Einside
Director:Jacob Gentley
Performer:Mark Webb Lucy Griffith David Clayton Rogers Ryan Wilson
Director:Matthew Lutell
Performer:Irina Douglas Amy Rider Brody Hazelle Tara Price Ernest Thomas Tim Abel Claire Grant nm1689872 Alison Haislip Jeff Hatch Milynn Sarley Lily Wonderbilt
Director:Christopher Ray
Performer:Sarah Butler Charles Shonessy Dharmundayub Niki Spiridakos D.B. Dickerson Chris Newman
Director:Robert Dyke
Performer:Faran Tahir Robbie Kay Aqueela Zoll
Director:Emile Edwin Smith
Performer:Cheryl Woodley Theo James Kate Winslet Octavia Spencer Jay Courtney Zoe Cloowitz Miles Teller Ansel Elgot Maggie Lee Naomi Woz Meech Fuffa Justice Leek Ben Lloyd Hughes Tony Goldwin Ashley Judd Ray Stevenson Johnny Weston Sookie Waterhouse Njay Anthony Ro
Director:Robert Svenk
Performer:Jennifer Lawrence Josh Hachessen Liam Heimsworth Woody Harrison Elizabeth Banks Julian Moore Philip Semer Hoffmann Jeffrey White Stanley Tuzi Donald Sutherland Toby Jones Sam Cravelin Gina Maron Natalie Dommel Ivan Ross
Director:Francis Lawrence
Performer:Chanin Tatum Mira Kunis Sean Bing Eddie Redmaine Douglas Booth Bae Doo Na James Darcy Terry Gillem Tapens Middleton Vanessa Kirby Tim Pigott-Smith Edward Hoggle Chic Gary Gugu Mbatha-Lao Maria Doyle Kennedy Christina Cole Joe Osmond Jeremy Swift David Aja
Director:Lily Vodowski Lana Vodreski
Performer:Catalina Soto-Aguilar Kind John DeLong Philip Fornah Karmen Capella Casey Myers Susan LeCourt-Barbe Brent Nevison Anil Bajaj Bob Penny
Director:Drew Hall
Performer:Jeremy Childs Shelean Newman Shannon Hoppe David Alford Isaac Disney
Director:Billy Senese
Performer:Johnny Weston Sofia Black-DeElia Sam Lenard Alan Ivan Grista Virginia Gardner Amy Landek Gary Vicks Mason Linz Gary Grubus Michelle DeFraites Curry Stone Jamila Thompson Katie Garfield Hillary Harley Courtney Bowers
Director:Dean Israel
Performer:Christopher Gaggie Elizabeth Holm Matt Lagan Paul Anderson Debbie Gibson Fiona Hardingham Hannah Levine Emma Rose Maloney Steve Hanks Simon Barbaro Marshall Dunn Colin Flynn David Salsa Robert Sisko Alain Ligonde
Director:Emile Edwin Smith
Performer:Gino Barzacchi Gabriel Cash Riccardo Serventi Longhi
Director:Paolo Bertola
Performer:Ryan Reynolds Josh Blooming Julian Dinison Stephen Kapičić Sage Bates T.J. MILLER Leslie Gussy Kalan Sony Brianna Sidbland Maureen Bakarin Jack Casey Eddie Mason Chunatsu Randall Red Nikolai Witcher Sal Harris Robert Delaney Lewis Chan Bill Skasgard Terry
Director:David Reich
Performer:Asa Butterfield Harrison Ford Haley Stanfield Abigail Breslin Ben Kingsley Viola Davis Aramis Knight Arias Jimmy Jax Pinchak Noso Arnold Connor Carol
Director:Gavin Hood
Performer:Barton Bund Jules Hartley Bailey Spry Joe Cipriano Owais Ahmed Yaron Urbas Oz Noori Wilfried Capet Sue Dankha Michael Tremblay Neena Kalasho Matthew Siman Peter Malek Ali Amine Peter Glennon
Director:Emile Edwin Smith
Performer:Ryan Reynolds Maureen Bakarin Ed Screen T.J. MILLER Gina Carano Brianna Sidbland Stephen Kapičić Leslie Gussy Jade Reese Kalan Sony Stan Lee Randall Red LITTLE ISAAC C.Sington
Director:Tim Miller
Performer:Joel Courtney Jessica Tucker Joel McKinnon Miller Ryan Lee Zach Mills Riley Griffiths Gabriel Basseau Kyle Chandler Ron Edard Amanda Mishaka Andrei Miller Jacob Miller Ally Vanning Green Truman Noah Emmerich Richard Jones Amanda Fulman David Gallah Brett
Director:J. J. ABRAMS
Performer:Ryan Reynolds Blake Lefley Peter Sasgard Taiga Viditti Taika Waititi
Director:Martin Campbell
Performer:Bradley Cooper Abby Cornish Robert De Niro Andrew Howard Anna Fleur My God Johnny Witworth
Director:Neil Borg
Performer:Chris Payne Zachry Quintus Zoe Soldana Benedict Comberbach Simon Page Anton Yeltsin Carl Eren John Zhao Bruce Greenwood Brandon Norman Alice Eve Chris Heimsworth
Director:J. J. ABRAMS
Performer:Henry Carver Amy Adams Michael Shannon Kevin Costner Diane Lynne Russell Crowe Christopher Miloni Angel Traw Lawrence Fischer Aylett Zurel Yadan Gould Michael Kelly Dylan Spearly Julian Ratchins
Director:Zach Schneider
Performer:Christian Bell Heath Lager Alan Eckhardt Michael Kane Maggie Gillenhar Gary Oldman Morgan Freeman Monique Gabriela Curne Ron Dean Killian Murphy Wong Zhuang Nester Kabonel Eric Roberts Rittery Kost Anthony Michael Hall Keith Szarabakik Colin McFarland Jos
Director:Christopher Nolan
Performer:Chris Payne Zachry Quintus Leonard Nimoy Eric Barner Bruce Greenwood Carl Eren Zoe Soldana Simon Page John Zhao Anton Yeltsin Ben Klaus Winona Red Chris Heimsworth Jennifer Morrison
Director:J. J. ABRAMS
Performer:David Lee Smith Tony Todd John Billingsley Annika Peterson Alice Thorpe William Carter Richard Reese Alan Crawford Steven Little Robbie Brian
Director:Richard Shainkman
Performer:Cliff Owen Julian Moore Michael Kane Claire-Hope Ashti Charlie Hannam Pam Ferris Chevette Egafo
Director:Mr. Alfonso Caron
Performer:Elizabeth Olson Paul Bertany Catherine Harne Tyrone Paris Kate Darlings Evan Peters Randall Park Melanie Prudie Emma Calfield Grey Drissler Asif Ali Debra Joe Rapp David Rengle Fred Mehramed Anthony Molinaly Selena Anduz Victoria Blade Amos Glick
Director:Matt Sackman
Performer:Adrian Brody Sarah Polly Delphine Chaneak Brandon McGibbon Simona Maicanescu David Hewlett Abigail Chu
Director:Vincenzo Natalie
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