Performer:Natasha Okifer Haley Bennett Tom Stewart Ben Myers Leo Sutter Sam Riley Paul Reese Kara Simmo Chris Larkin Annson Boone Ian Kninhan Cecilia Clifford Joseph Rapp David Emmanuel
It's based on Tilar J. Mazzeo's novel《The Widow Clicquot: The Story of a Champagne Empire and the Woman Who Ruled It》in the early 19th century, the story of the tenacity of the french caego bar showed the charming young woman behind the iconic orange brand. Founded in 1772 by a businessman, Philippe Creco, whose son, François Creco, married the daughter of the commercial tycoon Nicolas Pensadin, Barbie Nicole Punsadin, the couple gradually took over the wine factory and developed the champagne business together. Seven years later, when François suddenly died of typhoid fever at the age of 30, the shocked Philips intended to liquidate the company, and the 27-year-old Barbie decided to take over her husband's business and become one of the first businesswomen to run an international business in a male-dominated world in the early nineteenth century. In France at the time, widows were the only ones who did not work with the consent of their husbands or fathers、women studying. As a result of the war, the alcohol industry was once in a state of collapse, the company was facing bankruptcy, Barbie was forced to fight by exporting champagne to Russia, and during the Napoleonic War, Cage champagne made significant progress in the royal palaces throughout Europe, establishing it as an essential part of European society as a whole and as a drink for the nobles。