Director:Michael Mann
Performer:Adam Draff Penelope Cruz Cheryl Woodley Sarah Gardner Gabrielle Leone Jack O'Connor Patrick Demsi Valentina Belle Marcy Fren Thomaso Basili Eric Haogan Brett Smuts Peter Apesera Lino Musella Giuseppe Bonifati Andrea Bruski Andrey Dorent Luca de la Valle A
The film, which focused on the summer of 1957, tells the legendary story of Ferrari and Maserati fighting for the supremacy of the racetrack. One morning, the wife of former racer Enzo Ferrari received two telephone calls and was told that Jean Bella had just arrived from Milan overnight. It was found that Ferrari was not at home and that his wife, Laura, was very upset because they had been keeping up their well-known marriage and had agreed that coffee must be shared on time every morning. When Ferrari learned that Bella had come to Milan on this trip to challenge Ferrari's race record, he called his friend Mossolini for help. The impotent wife fired directly at Ferrari, and she told Ferrari that their company was going bankrupt. Their son Dino died of muscle atrophy two years ago. When Ferrari was immersed in loss and grief in churches and cemeteries, Bella was already on the track. Unfortunately, his track friend Mosherini died. Ferrari had no choice but to confront the dangerous Milya and obtain sponsorship. Milly Millia's hard work, Road Valley、The woods、Grassland、extreme weather conditions, such as snowstorms, are fraught with danger, and along the way ferraris and maserati raced in violent struggles. there were repeated accidents in the race, and ferrari was charged with manslaughter in the gididoro competition and eventually acquitted by the court. after laura ' s death, ferrari was officially recognized as the successor of ferrari. in the following year, ferrari regained the world championship, and his red car became the world's leading force. The script was adapted from a novel published by Block Yates in 1991《Enzo Ferrari: man car race》。