Director:Ota Essoliani
Performer:Katya Lupe Alix de Montaigu François Michel
fact sheet It's a probate film that shows the lonely mind of life in a crowd、An art thief、A bunch of crazy old men、A repressed cop and all sorts of weirdos because of a stolen 19th-century painting and one 18 the fall of the century's broken ceramic dishes and the different stories that come into the hands of different people bring out the director's thoughts about art and life by chance, who has made this dramatic rush towards black humor and human despair, with an unnamed sense of art that is unique to french films. behind the scene The film runs through the theatre and through the film with an elegant string quartet、the low human nature has given rise to dramatic conflicts. the film began in the 18th century and ended in the 18th century. models in the drawing room have eternal memories of art, while the broken china has the memory of the dead. it's a test for the viewers to get their heads straight by cutting them. in the film, the director shows the relentless trampling and damage to the art of war with broken walls and broken china beneath horses. those who also smoke, who compete for taxis, are the director's view of the current french human environment, and some of the details are interesting. after the madman blew up the street garden, the funny footage of the police station passing the papers on duty is metaphorically. similarly, the holding of a salon by the gun dealer and his wife, and the appearance of the two in front of the guests, the gentler and the guests, each in the rooms and the lovers' meetings after their departure, were critical and sarcastic to the hypocrisy of the middle class. the director had drawn out a few shots of this kind of salon, and the classic scene was when the couple sent their guests, and they went back to their rooms to have fun, so the good image could speak through the image itself. the author's unique view of history and life seems to be in the midst of chaos. the film is a covert testimony to the falseness of capitalist marriages, especially when the scene of the police inspector’s own family’s children smoking together raises questions about the order keeper, and through these unsupervised children the divisions and hypocrisy of the adult world. similarly, the rise and decline of gun merchants reflects the fact that human beings are the subject of historical passages and that it is the value of the work of art itself that can be preserved, not the reputation of the owner of the work of art. the video was also crafted, with children playing in the streets and putting glass under their car tires, after which the gun merchants were caught in the trap. the film ended with the killing of many masters for a variety of reasons, which, on the one hand, represented the upheaval of contemporary society and, on the other hand, mirrored the subject of the human being being. At the end of the film there was French grief, which represented the bulldozing of the old house inherited from history, while the elegance of the former man in the black and white image was only in memory, and the director mocked the greed of the man and the impropriety of the man with a plate and a painting in the hands of another man. There's a lot of clues to the whole movie《Money》However, it can be read from it that the director's artistic vision is certainly brilliant. The director's first film, in French, is a metaphor for the loss of life in elegant gestures…The film won the 1984 award of the Venice Film Festival special jury for its profound meaning in life