Director:May Chiugen
Performer:Mrs. Cheng Li Fang Ching Gothaho Huy Anh Le
This film is based on Vietnamese classical literature《Passage》re-edited. 《Passage》It's called《New Breathing》It's a novel based on the original story of Qingqingqing's heart in China《It's the golden cloud》adapted. the work was mainly based on a 3254-story poem based on the vernacular murmur of the vietnamese people and on the veritable classic "six of eight" poems of viet nam (a poem written in the first six words and the next eight words), so the work was very “ethnic” and embodied the "national spirit" and "national marrow" of the "gens and sons of the zhong". 《Passage》The main story is about the life and experiences of Wang Tsui, who was born from the Chanmendi book. She is a well-known woman and has made a living in private. During Kim ' s funeral, she sold herself to save her falsely imprisoned father and was deceived into falling into a green house. She went beyond the social prejudices of the time to praise the king's elegant figure, especially the beautiful heart. Through the 15 years of suffering suffered by this figure, the long poem highlights the social truth of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, as well as the many social ills that exist, most notably bureaucratic corruption and highly hierarchical social problems. He accused the corrupt feudal system of persecuting the people and glorified the struggle for love、Happiness and free movement lie in the aspirations of the people. We can say that:《Passage》it is not an ordinary novel, and it is beyond that. 《Passage》The “single of languages” which has been honoured as national literature has brought together the essence of the national language of Viet Nam, particularly the folk language, and has frequently used the song of Vietnamese folk、Speech、Folklore makes language lively and creative; in particular, he's good at lecturing and making everything in the story emotional。