Director:Mark Nevolde Brian Taylor
Performer:Nicholas Cage Violet Puccido Seren Sid Idriss Alba Johnny Witworth Fergus Leyton Spencer Wildin Yacek Coleman Anthony Hyde Cristian Iacob Christopher Lambert Jay Stefan Vincent Reagan
John Bryce Nicolas Cage they were possessed by the angel of justice, lasaros, but the angel was agile and had to reap their souls when he met the bad. Morrow Idris Elba ask bres to bring danny the child to the temple to avoid the demons taking his soul in return for removing the curse on bres. danny was the son of the devil rolco, who had planted his magic into his son ' s body, as well as the mother and the son who were tracking him. when the mother and son were trapped in the quarry, bres came and the angels in his body broke out and contained carrigan. he became a knight of the spirit, tearing his opponent to pieces without mercy. when the war ended, the three men went to the temple, and rolco also rescued carrigan on the brink of death and gave him even more terrible destructive power to go and get danny again. In the temple, Moro fulfilled his agreement to expel Zazaros from Bres. But when he did, the priest of the temple tried to kill Danny——he thinks danny is the devil. carrigan's here before they do. take danny to rolco. rolco forced danny into a ritual in order to turn him into a total demon. Bres tried to stop the ritual and convince Danny to turn away from evil. In the final battle, in order to defeat the demon, Danny used his power to plant Zazaros in Bres again. This time, Zazaros became the embodiment of justice and defeated the devil。