Director:Jay Rocky
Performer:Kevin Spencer Laura Dunne Bob Barabane Ed Bogri Jr John Hutt Dennis Leary Bruce McGill Tom Wilkinson Bruce Altmann
THE HBO FILM CHANNEL LAUNCHED A NEW FILM《Votes》(Recount)a review was made of the dramatic vote-counting in florida during the presidential election in 2000. It's a play from the past《♪ In the days ♪》and《Happy Valley》THE ACTOR, DANNY STRAND, WROTE THE STORY FROM WHAT HAPPENED ON ELECTION DAY, TO THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA RULING FIVE WEEKS LATER, RECALLING THE VOTE COUNT IN FLORIDA. ACCORDING TO HBO, THE FOCUS OF THE FILM WILL BE ON THE “HUMAN NATURE” THAT PERMEATES NEWS EVENTS。《Votes》IT IS SCHEDULED TO BE BROADCAST ON HBO TELEVISION DURING THE CULMINATION OF THE UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN SPRING 2008. ACCORDING TO HBO FILM CHANNEL EXECUTIVE COLIN CALDER, EXCEPT POLITICIANS、The film will also focus on a lot of small figures in that incident, "Men."、Women、Husband、Wife……all those who could not be involved in the incident themselves.” A TV film reflecting the inside of the 2000 elections in the United States《Recount》The main list was released before the day《American》Kevin Spasi, who has taken over the film, will play vice president Gore's staff《A big spy》the director took over from sidney pollack to direct the film. Kevins Passy was once troubled by the Queen's Reaction, like Harry Berry, who was a strong performer who had never taken a good role in the title of a film king after winning the award《Recount》There's a bright light for him to turn around(Ron Klain)he was also the legal adviser to assist gore in bringing proceedings against florida's conquest against the results of that vote. the 2000 elections were the most controversial in united states history. while the democratic candidate al gore was in the lead in the general elections, the results of the counting show that republican george w. bush obtained a small majority of the voters ' votes. the democrats challenged the vote count in florida and demanded that the contested ballot be recounted. finally, the united states supreme court ruled that bush had won the florida elections and thus the general elections. SHORTLY AFTER THE ELECTION, THE FAMOUS DIRECTOR, SIDNEY POLLACK, WAS INVITED BY HBO CABLE TELEVISION IN THE UNITED STATES TO MAKE A FILM DESCRIBING THE ELECTION. BUT THE OLD DIRECTOR RESIGNED FROM THE DIRECTOR'S POST BECAUSE OF HIS ILLNESS《A big spy》Jay Roach took over. And the leading actor in the show was Laura Dunne, the genre director of David Lynch, who played Katherine Harris)The then Secretary of State for Florida was the one who used her power to win Bush in the dispute. Old actor John Hutt will play former Secretary of State Warren Christopher)。 "What is a politician? Politicians want money from rich people and votes from poor people. It is to convince the rich and the poor that they will defend their interests.”——as an american humorist said. "Recount, recount, recount......", "Too close to call, too close to call,......" On the evening of 13 December 2000, at 8 p.m., Democrat presidential candidate Gore gave a disclaimer address at the residence of the Vice-President in Washington, D.C. The longest-standing presidential election in the history of the United States ended in a series of recounts with a highly controversial margin of hundreds of votes. According to current commentators, President Clinton had stolen a young Cuban boy and lost his Spanish vote in Miami, leaving the Democratic Party in the middle of an even presidential election. The “critical minority” played a key role at a critical time。