Director:Kristel Moser
Performer:Catherine Jenner
By《Paranoia》Five series of documentary films by the dramatizer tell stories about the vast world of sport from a fresh perspective. From tennis to boxing to basketball, even if you think you've heard these stories, there's still a new feeling when you watch them. Every week, every movie begins with a landmark event、Olympic Games、And then, according to the stories of the people you've been through, you dig deep beyond the headlines and reveal the courage to hide under the sweat、Resilient、Heartbreak、Victory、Violence、Comedy and sad. The acquaintances of the famous "Auben Hill Palace Fighting" revealed their feelings; Olympic runner Catherine Janneh reflected on her journey to win the gold medal; boxer Christy Martin fought dead outside the boxing ring; professional tennis player Mady Fisher told about his struggle with mental health problems; and “Trashers” hockey players were ordered to take orders from teenagers who were allegedly the sons of gangsters...《Physical History》the heart of the passion and focus needed to be champions and the ways in which victory was stripped out of the presence. It is said to be a race for the greatest athletes in the world. In two days of brutal competition, the racers ran、The ability to jump and throw will be tested. 1972 After a failed attempt every year, Caitlin Janner set her goal: 1976 Ten all-power gold medals were won at the Montreal Olympics. For the fourth consecutive year, Jenner became the champion of the day. But for Janner, 1976 The 10 full-power games of the Olympic Games are not just a sports test. This is an acceptable way of distracting her from more challenging internal upheavals. After creating a new world record and winning the gold medal in Montreal, the image of Janneh became the standard of excellence of athletes, and suddenly she became the superstar of the United States. However, the achievement of the campaign she aspired to and the celebrity image she had created had also become a major obstacle to her acceptance of her identity. Through a series of never-public archival images (including the newly discovered Olympic video and the Janneh family video), from winning gold medals to deciding to return to their families and children, Janneh remembered her life from a fresh perspective, with a clear understanding of herself and herself。