Performer:Mark-Andre Gronding Yves Jacques Laetitia Isambert-Denis Anne-Élisabeth Bossé Brownina Billie Vincent Leclare Louis Champagne Mireille Naggar Marie-France Lambert Thierry Harcourt Florence Janus Anna Luvare Sarah Desjeunes Rico Ted Pluviose What Cindy Dou
Director:Xavier LeGrand
Performer:Sophie Demaré Vincent Leclare Katherine Levac Yves Jacques Christian Paul Silvan Marcel Catherine Gagnon Ines Defosse Nour Belkhiria Alain Dahan Liliane Blanco-Binette Maude Guérin Ariel Charest Geneviève Alarie Cassandra Latreille Marie-Madeleine Sarr Ma
Director:Kolo Robijod
Performer:Valerie Lemacie Silvan Marcel Danielle Fischer Roque Lafotina Antoine Vézina Pascale Desrochers Jean-Noël Brouté Victoria Sio Sonia Vascan Alain Zouvi Mark Beland Christian Bordeleau Yves Jacques Jennie Anne Walker Michel Laliberté
Director:Valerie Lemacie
Performer:éc brune Melanie Thierry Melanie McCoskey Marie-Josie Croze Mathieu Quesnel Michel Forge Genevieve Boivin-Russi magalie lépine blonde yves Jacques juana acosta johanne-mae tremblay lenny parker pl bandey michel blackbn nick diabo
Director:Dennis Arcant
Performer:Juliette Binoche Daniel Auteuil Emile Kusturica Michel Duchosois Felipe Mangion Christian Chalmetante Philippe Du... Jennerand Maurice Chevey Cathene Lasclt Ghyslain Tremblay Reynald Bouchard Marc Berland Yves Jacques Dominique Quesnel Anne-
Director:Patrice LeConte
Performer:Michelle Kurt Luis José Udé Karin Vanus Patrice Robitaye Julie Lebledon Irene Poswala Lecak Sonia Vachon Diane Ravare Yves Jacques
Director:Émile Gaudreault
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