Performer:Steven Siegel Jacqueline Lord Roger Gertrude Evan Smith Luke Goss Michael Kenneth Williams Adrian Galley Larry Kirkwood Vivian Bieldt Verity Price Bruce Young Peter Butler Farouk Valley-Omar Tumi Mogoje Faye Peters Zaa Nkweta
Director:Don Fong Leroy
Synopsis: the island of gamola in south africa is rich in oil and diamond resources. a political plot is being planned at cia headquarters in virginia. deutsche is a cia corrupter who hired chabo’s legions in the name of the cia, ostensibly to help the cia overthrow the regime of the warlord ciby alfaka, who is stationed on the island of garmora, and who, behind his back, wants to take over the island’s resources. after receiving the mission, sieg led jones to the front line to fight the sibi alfaka regiment. however, as a result of information errors, sig and jones were surrounded by french commandos, who died. sig asked for reinforcements but did not respond, and, aware that he had been betrayed by them, he fled with the wounded. upon his return, sigg went to the house of jones to visit his wife and children, left maintenance and assured his wife of his revenge. chapo received a new assignment, and amette dyson, a greek arms dealer, was prepared to offer a large price to rescue his son from prison. amette dyson ' s son is being held in lando prison, the most heavily guarded prison in the southern hemisphere. chabo felt that it was almost impossible to do this task with his current staff, and he brought sig and forced him to do it by abducting jones' wife and children. having no confidence in chabo's mercenaries, sig asked that this mission be carried out with the mercenaries' hacker samuel. fearing that sieg would retaliate against him, tesheng arranged the surveillance of sieg ' s intelligence expert, maxine. he learned of the new mission from the mouth of maxine, and tesheng decided to interfere with the mission and to find an opportunity to remove sig. everything was ready and chabo's mercenary corps went to the prison and, according to sieg's plan, he was using a walkie-talkie to direct the team remotely, and everything went well. instead of the presence of the son of amette dyson in the prison, the alarm was sounded at that time, and all the guards went to destroy the mercenary regiment in chabo. at the same time, deok-sheng received information from maxine, whose real target is the natal national bank, which is the safest bank in the world. maxine and sig assembled as bomb-dismantling agents into the bank and, relying on samuel's computer remote manipulation, successfully hacked the bank's security system and deposited $52 million into his account. at that time, deok-sheng arrived at the bank to capture seger, but he fainted after being ambushed by sigge. he had been spreading false information to tak-sun since the beginning to complete his revenge plan. there was now evidence of an invasion of the bank. deok-sheng woke up with a 52 million deposit receipt and was caught instantly by the police chief. Chabo knew that the situation was over, and took the hostage, the Jones wife and child back to their nest, and Sigmour tracked Chabo's address to him. After a heavy shootout, Sigm finally wiped out Chabo and the mercenary corps, fulfilled his promise and sacrificed his friend Jones' spirit in heaven。