Performer:Paul Eddington Nigel Hawthorn Derek Fordes Eleanor Bro John Netton Diana Hodinot Talla Hayes Richard Simpson Peter Howell Jeffrey Segal Donald Pelmear
Director:Sidney Lotteby Peter Whitmore
Synopsis: This is about Jim, a shadow member of the opposition cabinet Hacker got the post of Minister of Administrative Affairs (DAA) after helping his party win the general election, and from then on he faced Secretary Sir Humphrey The civil service led by Appleby and his private secretary、Bernard, who was also a civil servant, was caught in the trap. In the midst of the various conflicts over governance between the politicians represented by Hacker and the civil servants represented by Appleby, the relationship between the two has been changing from one another to the other. At the same time, the ills and the black screens in the British political system, including the party system and the civil service, are also visible to the audience. All of this, of course, is done through a myriad of comedy stories and lines. In the second half of this series《Yes Prime Minister》Hacker became Prime Minister through party forces, while Appleby became Prime Minister's secretary first, and their story moved on to 10 Downing Street。