Performer:Peter Macaulay Rachel Blakeley David Osman Jennifer O'Dell Will
Director:Colin Budds Richard Franklin Ian Gilmour Catherine Millar Michael Offer
Synopsis: Part Two: Jungle adventures/Future passengers and Dragonslayer The Lost World Season 2 synopsis /> • episode 1: not all or all /> On the suspension bridge in the deep valley, a commotion was waged with Drakul and his men. Margaret and Veronica saw Summeree's arrow and fell into the abyss. Tribune, a lizard, threw explosives and blew up the suspension bridge in retaliation for betraying Drakul and everyone fell into the river. Veronica was convinced that his friends were alive and that Margaret was searching for the banks. Soon they and Charlinger、Maroon was reunited, but Ruston was found and rescued by Tribune, who demanded a return. Several people needed a boat to cross the river home and had to follow Tribune to a fishing village, but Tribune disappeared. The beautiful prostitute Raina told them that Memak ruled this place. People clashed with Nemak, captured by Nemak and imprisoned. • episode 2: amazon women soldiers Ruston, marlon and charinger were attacked by wing dragons, rescued by several amazonian women soldiers and invited them back to the camp — a world without men, but the three rostons were warmly welcomed. at night, the amazon women warrior tribe held & quot;moon;the celebration, and then the quot;cult;A couple of people are having fun -- because they can spend the night with these beautiful women. But after the ceremony, they will be executed, which they do not know yet…… • Episode 3: Tourism season S02EP03 Tourist Season charinger planned to use the windmill to collect energy, and suddenly a giant lightning tore the sky, burning near the windmill. fortunately, no one was injured. after a little silence after the thunder, the sound of machines came from far away in the sky and came closer and the last helicopter fell in the jungle. all the crews on board were alive and were four modern tourists: a couple and their son, and a driver. a hostile tribe attacked them and captured their father and son. charinger and marlon, in addition to their surprises, decided to help repair what they had never seen before;aircraft;i don't know. and roston and veronica went to rescue the two captured. • episode 4: cold stone Roston and Margaret searched a valley that they had never seen before and suddenly heard a young woman scream. When the two arrived, the woman in her ancient evening dress said something they could not understand and died. Ruston, Margaret and Marlon the evil elves that appeared in the rain forced them into a horrifying castle. some mysterious force in the castle affected several people by introducing them into different rooms, each with a gorgeous evening dress, which belonged to the same period as the mysterious woman who had first met. after getting dressed, the three men, like being controlled, began to re-emerge an ancient court triangle, in which margaret lured two men into falling in love with themselves and secretly provoked them to fight. at the same time, charinger and veronica came to the same castle, dressed in quot;pixie costume;The three of them don't seem to know them, and they're not friendly…… episode 5: holy power There seems to be an emergency when an unridled horse rushes towards Ruston and others. When Roston tried to ride it, he came to a small tribe on the hill and the locals made him king. Roston wanted to explain that he was not the one they were looking for, but royal adviser Balar told him that he would be executed if he admitted to being an impostor. Ruston couldn't help it. With this horse, Roston warned his friends that several people had come to rescue and were captured by Balar. The tribe has a custom of offering a virgin to placate a dragon that could destroy the village. Ruston stepped up to save the young girl and fell into Balar's trap. The only way to stop the dragon now is for the real king to hunt it. • episode 6: below the surface Always mean、Selfish Margaret All of a sudden, there was a sense of kindness, confusion, and a decision to find the truth. In the jungle, Roston and Veronika Road met a dragon whose grotesque behaviour had eased their escape. It turns out that an alien bacteria took over the dragon's body, Margaret That too. These alien bacteria turned out to be……skull! • episode 7: london call Several people found an ancient map documenting the route from the lost plateau. Before leaving, Charinger and Marlon collected an egg from the king to open their eyes to the skeptics. Veronica was the most unhappy person in the face of separation, but she was unable to leave and she continued to look for her missing parents. Marlon's dream finally came true, and he could return to London with a beautiful fiancée……reuniting, but is that really what he wants? episode viii: prisoners one;transformer;A mysterious old woman appeared before Veronica and told her that her parents were living in El Dorado. The old woman showed her a path: the entrance was on a stone wall. She also warned that Veronica could not tell anyone and could not turn back. No wonder Veronica found not her parents, but a savage giant imprisoned for centuries. In order to catch him, Margaret and the others had mixed numbers. episode 9: game Queen Centuria, the lizard, ordered his men to hunt Trebune, who had no escape and came to the tree house to help. The lizards searched and caught Tribune. At home, Marlon、Margaret and Roston were also prisoners and taken to the lizard town of Centuria. Marlon had to impersonate Dr. Charinger, who was ordered to manufacture gunpowder by Centuria. Then Roston and Tribune were taken to the arena. • episode x: source The lost plateau is in the midst of drought, and people are out looking for water, but they are surrounded by a group of rapid dragons. A beautiful young girl……the men were rescued on one occasion and asked to escort her home. she said she was a survivor of the early colonial expedition and claimed to have found out;spring of youth;i don't know. she brought it;supply;Almost there, she has to go back to the water hole or she dies. Margaret, who fantasized of eternal youth and wealth, told Charinger and Roston to go together…… • episode xi: war booty The quiet of the lost plateau was broken by a shot and a group of hunters wanted to capture an ape larvae. Veronica walked out of the jungle trying to save him and immediately became a new target for hunters. She fled to the tree house to warn the others. One of the hunters claimed to have been ordered to search for the Charinger expedition and to assist them in returning to England. Although Veronica didn't believe them and Margaret had doubts, the hunters were welcomed and camped overnight near the tree house…… episode xii: the queen of voodoo /> Mysterious drums have spread throughout the jungle, and Roston has visited and met a beautiful woman, Danielle. Not only did Danielle seduce Ruston into having relations with him, but he also told him a tragic story: a group of savages attacked and occupied her village. Ruston took her back to the tree house for a while, and she fell in love with all the men, but raised doubts among the two women. The suspicion was confirmed when Danielle was found behind their back making a voodoo doll like Roston. Danielle lured Roston into her village. In fact, she is the Queen of Voodoo who controls the wildlings and holds an army of zombies. Seeing that Roston had become her slave, others had made plans to infiltrate the village before waiting to rescue him. episode xiii: guardian As he sought herbs in the mountains, Charinger fell into a trap to catch boars and fainted. The three young hunters who had set the trap could not bear to die and had to drag them back to their secret villages. Veronica and Margaret followed the hunters through the jungle barrier and came to the village, where most of the orphans were young. Subsequently, they were told that a huge plant was guarding the village and that if anyone came in or came in without permission, it would release deadly poison gas. But even worse, it needs fresh meat every day. When the three men, Charinger and others, tried to dig a tunnel to leave the village, the villagers captured Charinger and were prepared to use him as a living sacrifice for the food. What about Challenger and his companions? episode xiv: A strange visitor was found outside the tree house, and his knowledge of geology surprised Charinger. At that time, something attacked the battery that Challener had placed on the open ground, causing the coil to be destroyed. In the ensuing investigation, they met a group of people from the underground world, their & quot;guests;and one of them. these men were shot and wounded, and they were quickly captured. soon, charinger saw a quot from the london scientific community;old friend;so he was behind these men. even more shocking to charinger is the need for the undergrounders to use their technical expertise to dominate the surface world. episode xv: rebels roston and margaret went out looking for a way out of the lost plateau, but accidentally found a passage. through the tunnel, they saw an old village full of british styles and met a woman wearing a mask who had just robbed a local bar. in a panic, women left their stolen bags on the ground and fled to the depths of the forest on horseback. ruston and margaret walked into the bar with a bag of money they had picked up, bumping into the real owner of the property, the sheriff. the sheriff immediately arrested the two and sentenced them to hang. when roston tried to escape, the sheriff shot and wounded him! • episode xvi: good for humanity veronica and maroon were captured by angry gangs and forced to work in their quarries. then they quickly found out about the others;prisoner;It's not really human. They're alien-made robots designed to repair alien-damaged spacecraft. Are those aliens gonna find out that Veronica and Marlon are humans? Can those robots who yearn for freedom get what they want? What a beautiful blonde……I can't believe these aliens are so colorful, they're so sexy, Extreme Hot!) • episode xvii: beast patterns When Roston and Margaret returned to the tree house, a monkey turned the house upside down. Most importantly, it stole the jewels that Margaret loved. They followed the monkey to a cave and found a strange amulet. Anyone who grabs this amulet with his hand leaves a strange pattern in his hand that looks like the skull of a dinosaur, which can never be erased. Those patterns started to change people unexpectedly…… episode xviii: survivors charinger and margaret found an old temple with three warriors engraved on the wall of the entrance, like some sort of guard. margaret fell into a deep pit full of thorns and survived. to save her, charinger had to find someone else to help. when he left, three statues of the hole;live;I don't know. Too much blood, Margaret thinks she's hallucinating. When Charinger and the others arrived, they were attacked by powerful rock guards. Marlon was stabbed to the ground and bleeding from his chest. Strangely, the attack was stopped as soon as the rock guards saw the blood. Veronica took Marlon back to the tree house for treatment, while Charinger and Roston went to the temple to save Margaret. When they met Margaret, they were surprised to find her surrounded by a beautiful and elegant lady, Adrienne. Even more surprising was Margaret, who had always thought that Adrienne, who had been dead for many years, was just an illusion. Adrianne said there was a way out of the lost plateau, and Charinger followed her map to the temple altar and found his two-year-old colleague William Maple White stood there -- it was this man's handprint that led Charinger to the lost world (see season one, episode one). episode xix: the curse of piracy margaret and roston were flirting in the jungle, and suddenly the ground was shaking and they fell into a big hole together! a pirate's bones were buried in the pit, as was his cursed treasure chest, filled with gold and silver jewels that he had stolen. margaret, who's rich, doesn't care about that;little curse;take the treasure box back to the tree house. charinger and marlon found the pirate diary inside and decided to make his story clear. they found the quot according to the diary;sea on land;But it fell into the trap of the pirate descendant Pappin. Pappin took the diary, sent his men to find the treasure, tied Charinger to his cabin by sea and handcuffed Marlon to a cave that was being flooded by the tide. Roston and Veronica are coming. A battle has begun. • episode xx: visitors Marlon was scratched by some kind of beast in the jungle and he immediately returned fire. When he was looking for the beast that he had hit, he and Veronica found Danu-Veronika ' s lover who had been injured from childhood. Danu warned them that the beast was dangerous. At night, the noises of the beast shocked the people in the tree house, who found Danu missing and Maroon had initiated a severe fever. Margaret stayed with Marlon, while the others went out looking for Danu, hoping to learn more from him to treat Maroon. Veronica took Charinger and Roston to Danu's village, where there was only one witch doctor and several warriors holding silver spears, and the others were either dead or in hiding. The witch doctor told them that Danu had become one of those beasts -- werewolves. They can only be killed by silver or fire, and they have no medicine. She gave Veronika a bottle of medicine that would slow the Marlon deformation and directed Charinger and Roston to the Shadow Valley where the werewolf lived. Danu has been trying to turn Veronica into a werewolf like him…… • episode xxi: dream man A thunderstorm struck the lost plateau, and five people, such as Roston, experienced the same and strange dream -- their long-lost companion Summerlee. Previously, they had always believed that Summerlee, who fell into Manchuria Falls, would be dead. Marlon saw Summerlee's quot in the tree house;ghost;Get out of here now. Charinger、roston and margaret followed, but were ambushed and caught. the cannibals are going to cut margaret's arm off as a goot;appetizer;Roston and Charlinger broke loose to save her at a critical juncture. The three continued to search for Maroon, but became prey to a hungry Tyrannosaurus. At that point, Marlon tripped to the ground and fainted. When he woke up, he felt weak and thirsty. Follow Summerlee's &quat;ghost;He came to a dry riverbed. Summerlee's image is now beneath the abyss -- it's the last place he appears. When Marlon fell, he fell…… • episode xxii: falling into the fire A British Royal Navy ship flying at a very low altitude near the lost plateau surprised five others, such as Ruston. Marlon, who was working alone in the open area, had recently left the boat and, without thinking about it, ran over and grabbed the ladder and climbed into the cabin. The ship has been damaged and there is no crew. But when he opened the captain ' s diary, the captain Askwith appeared behind his back and knocked him out. When the boat was away from sight, the call for help was suddenly heard in the hatch of the Tyrannosaurus. They managed to divert the mother and save those who were trapped therein. He's not Marlon, he's Askwith! He claims to have never seen Marlon. Margaret was completely moved by him and promised to take him back to the tree house to heal. Ruston followed the two men with three or seven vinegars and seven suspicions, while Charinger and Veronica returned to the jungle in search of the whereabouts of the craft. They soon found the boat near a hill and found that the damage was not too serious. There are still three days of fuel on board, enough to fly away from the lost plateau and reach the coast at least. The ship is on. That's why they really found out about Askwith's real plot. But it was too late for Marlon to fall down with the captain in a fight, and friends tried to fall down and look for Maroon……