Performer:Camille Keaton Maria Olson Mel Zach Ben Warren Jamie Bernadette Jim Tavare Jonathan Peacy Jeremy Ferdman Holgie Forrester Roy Allen III Alexandra Kenworthy Terry Zarchi Tammy Zarchi Adam Cerro Phillip K. Galaras Kelci C. Magel Tony Snegoff
Director:Mel Zach
Synopsis: After being subjected to inhuman abuse and the killing of the perpetrators, the female writer Jennifer Hills Camille Keaton I've got a reputation. Not only has she not been punished by the law, but she has written her own experience into a book and published it, and has lectured around it to honor her. And now that Jennifer's old, she's not going to do it quietly. Meanwhile, Jennifer's daughter, Jamie Bernadette they have grown up and become known models. one day, the mother and daughter walked out of the restaurant and occasionally asked two fans to sign a memo. who would have thought that two mothers and daughters who were unarmed had been abducted by each other? Turns out they were the families of young people killed by Jennifer, especially the leader's wife, Becky Maria Olsen She swore to lie down in the cruelest way. Jennifer who earns money on the bones of his husband and his friends……