Performer:Megan Fox Amanda Sefrid Johnny Simmons Adam Brody Sal Cortez Ryan Levine Juan Redingle Colin Askey Chris Palat Juno Rinaldi Kyle Garner J.K. SIMMONS Amy Cedris Cynthia Stevenson Nicole Leduc Oman Jowhar Kelly Gözer Megan Chappenter Tan Violet Emily Tenant
Director:Karyan Kusama
Synopsis: Nitty Amanda Seyfried And Jennifer Megan Fox She's a good friend who grew up together, and she doesn't look very good to her friends, and Jennifer is the school cheerleader, with all the zeal and all, and she lives in a small, remote town of the devil's pot. One night, one called Low Shoulder's rock band came to the only bar in town, Melody Lane plays, Jennifer goes with his friends. There was a serious fire at the bar at the beginning of the show. Nettie escaped, but watched as Jennifer, who was already scared, was dragged into a car by the band members. The bloody Jennifer appeared at Nettie's house that night, and from that day on, her temper became strange. She started seducing boys in school and killing them、Eat. The people of the town have not yet been freed from the tragedy of the fire and have been hit twice as hard by successive murders. The confused Nettie learned about what happened to Jennifer on the night of the fire……