Performer:John Berusi Dan Eckloud James Brown Gabby Calloway Ray Charles Irisa Franklin Steve Cropa Donald Dunne Murphy Dunne Willie Hall Tom Marlon Lou Malini Matt Murphy Alan Rubin Kelly Fisher
Director:John Landis
Synopsis: It's a melodramatic comedy full of music. Jack John Belushi Dan Eckloud Dan Aykroyd they used to be musicians, and the bands were the best. jack went to jail for a robbery, and the music business was abandoned. on the day of his release, elwood came to pick up the wind, and the two were excited to visit sister mary at the orphanage, which had grown up since childhood, but was told that the orphanage was already facing closure of a large amount of taxes, unless someone could raise $5,000 in 11 days. How can they watch the orphanage “fall” when they love it more than Kim? From a long-term perspective, they decided to resume their music business and beat the money for the orphanage tour. As a result, the previous bands were regrouped, and a hot and festive group began a trip on stage. They have to deal with a lot of problems, like police misunderstandings、Gangsters……The drive to save the orphanage has allowed them to be impeccable and charming, while also recovering their own musical dreams。