Performer:Sasha Byron Cohen Hadar Ratson Rotten Yyl Itan Noah Emmerich Nassim S. Ahmed Moni Mussanov Alonna Tal Uri Gavril Hassam Ghanssi Faki Elkir Walid Zouit Alexander Hidiger Raymond Asaremy Ollie Pfeiffer
Director:Gideon Raff
Synopsis: 《Agent Cohen》The true story of former Mossad agent Eli Cohen 20 Century 60 in the early years, he successfully infiltrated syria and became an undercover. koen was close to ambitious military leaders and their rich friends, thus winning extraordinary confidence in syria ' s largest anti-israeli covert operation. Sasha Byron Cohen, nominated for the Emmy Award in this play《Who's America》He's only interested in serving his country, but he's doing so well that he finds it hard to get out of his dual identity. Noah Emmerich《American Dream》He tried to alleviate the guilt of his sacrifice to Eli. Hadar Razen Rotem (United States of America)《Homeland security》She was left to look after her family alone and knew that there were problems with her husband ' s government work. Walid Zouit (Chairman)《Colonial》He thinks he found his perfect ally, the undercover Cohen。《Agent Cohen》The winner of the Aimee Prize, Gideon Raff《Prisoners of war》《Homeland security》《A tyrant》and Légende Films Write and direct scripts. It's by Alain Goldman《Rose Life》As producer. That's the final set 6 Set, each 60 Minutes。