Performer:Claudio Gioè Claudia Pandorfi Stefano Pesce Yorgo Voyagis Tommaso Ragno Chiara Nicola Federico Tolardo Miriam Giovanni
Director:Alexis Cahill
Synopsis: Following the first quarter of 2012 broadcast, the Italian Religious Science Fiction TV drama was well received《The 13th apostle》Second quarter launched in 2014《Apocalypse》。 At the end of the first season, Gabriel discovered the terrible truth about his origins and the dark prophecy of the candle-thrower: he was chosen to destroy the Church. But Gabriel believed that he could manipulate his destiny and would do anything to stop the apostles from planning. However, there was still darkness in Gabriel, and the priest found that he had the ability to save his life, but this also gradually eroded his soul. New nightmares keep haunting Gabriel: dark shadows full of malice, corrupt and evil himself, and the whole picture emerges...... After separation from Gabriel, Claudia tried to forget her feelings and start a new life. But Nadja's accidental murder, a woman with the power of divine power, brought them together to solve more puzzles...... What's the problem with Gabriel and Claudia,What will happen to their relationship...... How Gabriel would fight the darkness in his heart and teach fate......