Performer:Aghniny Haque Djenar Maesa Ayu Ibrahim Risyad Amara Sophie Riafinola Ifani Sari Ruth Malini Mian Tiara Vonny Anggraini Aggie Santosa Nelly Sukma Deni Saputra Muhammad Nur Qomaruddin Messi Gusti Hifdzi Khoir
Director:Hadrah Daeng Ratu
Performer:Shenina Cinnamon Chiko Kurniavan Lutesha Jerome Kunya Thea Pendra Giulio Parengkuan Mian Tiara Ruth Malini Lucman Shady Rukman Rosadi Landung Simatupang Yayan Ruian Elisabeth Pasaribu Budi Ros Tony Damara
Director:Wregas Bhanuteja
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