Performer:Jama Chan Richard Madden Angelina Julie Salma Hayek Kit Harrington Kumar N. Nanjani Leah McHugh Brian Terry Henry Lauren Lidlov Barry Keane Matoni Harich Patel Bill Skasgard Hash Seleman To U. Daniel Cross Harry Steyrs Alan Scott Hannah Dodd Nikita Chadah
Director:Zhao Ting
Synopsis: in 5,000 b.c., alyssem, the “judges” of the anglicans, selected from olympia 10 “eternals” with superpowers, and sent them to the earth against the invasion of the “variants”. for thousands of years, eternals have helped humanity to resist the invasion of mutants. after the last group of mutants were eliminated in 1521, intra-eternals divided on whether to continue protecting humanity and finally decided to separate and wait for alyssem to call them back to their home planet. Time's up, Cersei Gemma Chan And Spet Lia McHugh I'm living in London. 500 years ago, Cersei and former boyfriend Icaris Richard Madden Separated and handed over to Dan Whitman at the London Museum of Natural History Kit Harington Decoration. One night, a mutinous group named Kro raided three people, and Icarius suddenly appeared and temporarily repelled Kro. Ceci、Spet and Icarious realized that things weren't going well, and decided to urgently call others to deal with new threats……