Performer:Christina Asmes Aliye Vossolt Vladimir Onokhov Vladimir Lyubimtsev Nikolay Tatato Maria Chuprinskaya
Director:Philip Uliev
Synopsis: Leska lives in a remote village in the Bering Strait. The Bering Strait lies between Chukchi and Alaska, separating the United States and Russia. This teenage boy, like most people in the village, is a whaler who lives in peace on the far edge of the world. When the village of Lesca had the Internet, the men gathered daily in a small room and watched the beautiful girls dancing thousands of kilometres away on the screen via a web camera. Lesca met a beautiful girl on the chat site and fell in love with her. Lesca's first love made a huge difference: he decided to look for the girl, and there was a crazy journey waiting for him in that world。