Performer:Lesya Andreeva Maria Antonova Maria Aronova Nikolay Auzin Malat Bassarov Margarita Bychkova Sergei Byzgu Valeriy Degtyar Aleksey Dmitriev
Director:Dmitry Mesheev
Synopsis: spring 1917. the february revolution changed life in russia and the process of world war i. the russian emperor has resigned. the war with germany lasted more than a year. bolsheviks carried out propaganda in the trenches and called for peace with the enemy. russian military officers have no right to take any decision without the approval of the “soldiers' committee”. the army is on the verge of eventual dissolution. In order to improve morale, the interim Government ordered the formation of a “bonded camp” for women under the command of Maria Bochkarova. The death camp has set a brave and harmonious example of its actions, raised morale and proved that these women heroes deserve the title of "Russian hero".......