Performer:Rebecca Brands Daniel Bonjoo Mandell Maughan Melissa Steach Jon Briddell
Director:Jack Messitt
Synopsis: Brichet Rebekah Brandes She was working at a midnight movie theater where she was going to show an old film from the 1970s《The Dark Beneath》I don't know. There have been many deaths surrounding this film, and it has thus been used as a symbol of the horrors of the cult. Daniel Bricht's boyfriend Bonjour Decorated)、Good friend Mario Cirulnick Decorated)、Mandell Maughan And Michael Schwartz I'm here to see you. I'm here with Detective Jones Briddell Not long ago, one of the founders of the film, Radford, disappeared mysteriously from a mental institution, and Bellons believed that Radford would appear here. It's a strange movie scene that bothers Brichett, but a killing that blurs the boundaries between reality and film is slowly approaching them…… This film is awarded the Best Photography and Best Film Award for the 2008 Chicago Terrorist Film Festival。