Performer:Sharto Copre Jason Cooper Natalie Bolt Sylvan Stryker John Samor William Allen Jan Nick Blake Jade Brofi Louis Miner Vanessa Haywood Marian Human Vittorio Leonardi Mandela Gaduka John van Schol Stella Stinkamp David James Kenneth Nkosi Tim Gordon Morne Er
Director:Neil Blomkamp
Synopsis: in 1990, a giant ship appeared above the earth, in a state of panic and curiosity. after a period of intense waiting, the alien spacecraft remained quiet. at last, humans approached it with care and forced themselves into the cabin, which led to the discovery of numerous aliens. they describe it as ugly, as shrimp, and in very poor and weak health. it turns out to be a group of foreign refugees who were eventually accepted by the earth's people and living in isolation in an area of johannesburg, south africa, the “nine region”. after 20 years of reproduction, the number of alien refugees has expanded to 1.8 million, and conflicts with surrounding human beings continue, and more and more humans are calling for the expulsion of “crayfish” from the earth. Following consultations, the MNU (Alliance of Nations) decided to relocate foreign refugees to more remote areas. Agent Sharlto of the MNU Foreign Service Copley It's all about relocation. Wikus was arrogant and arbitrary in his mobilization, with frequent clashes with the local population. Eventually, he paid for his actions, the alien mysterious fluid infected him, and Wikus became the alien……