Performer:Roy Wade John Lisgor Helen Millen Bob Barabane Kyle Tura Douglas Rain Madolin Smith OSPARNE Dana Ika Tarison Jaff James McEachin Mary Jo Deschanel Elya Baskin Savili Kramarov Oleg Rudnik Natasha Schneider
Director:Peter Holmes
Synopsis: 《Space Rover 2001》Nine years later, Dr. Freud, former Director of the National Space Commission Roy Scheider Take over the US-US cooperative program and lead Discovery Station designer Dr. John Lisgor John Lithgow DR. CHANDRA, FOUNDER OF THE HAL 9000 COMPUTER Bob Balaban Access to the Soviet air station near Jupiter and to the Russian astronaut Helen Millen Helen Mirren Cooperation, air access to the American Discovery Space Station, investigation of the causes of the accident nine years ago, exploration of the mysterious black stone of Io II and identification of astronaut David Burman Keir Dullea it's a mysterious disappearance. however, as the mission has yet to be carried out, american-soviet relations have become more tense and war has broken out; at the same time, david berman has suddenly appeared to give a mysterious warning to dr. freud. It's from Arthur Clark's novel《Space Rover 2010》I've been taught the best art in the 59th—View, best costume design, best visual, best makeup and best sound five nominations。