Performer:Arthur Emma Avena Amir Baylly Jenny Bel'Air La Bourette Nathan Callot Kori Ceballos Liz Christin Iris Crosnier Naëlle Dariya Tom Dekel Clara Deshayes Virginie Despentes Eleonore Castiel Emery Le Filip Pierre et Gilles Noam Iroual Vanasay Khamphommala
Synopsis: Virginia Woolf created it in 1928《Orlando》It's the first major in the world to change sex stories in the middle of a story. After a century, cross-sex writers are also philosophers、Paul B. Presido, activist B. Preciado, who decided to send Woolf an image letter, told her that her role had come into reality and Orlando was spread all over the world. Presido launched an audition campaign that brought together 26 people between the ages of 8 and 70 from the contemporary gender and non-diverse sex to play the role of Orlando. He's through these real voices、Publications、Theories and images reconstruct the stages of their own transsexual experience. He said that every Orlando was a transsexual who risked his life every day because they found themselves forced to fight the law、History and psychiatry include traditional family concepts and the power of transnational pharmaceutical companies. But if "male" and "female" are ultimately a fiction of politics and society, then this shift is no longer about gender or poetry、Love with colour。