Performer:Kyle Gekrist Dana Duffystein Lauren Graham Jim Garfigan Karen Chilton Zack Garavanakis Asif Mandwell Jared Goldstein Alan Eisenberg Zoe Cloowitz Thomas Mann Jeremy Davis Rosalyn Coleman Viola Davis Lou Myers Emma Roberts
Director:Anna Bolton Ryan Freck
Synopsis: A 16-year-old boy, Craig Craig Often, you imagine your own death, and then you come to a psychiatric hospital after trying multiple drugs without effect. There he was with Bobby Bobby Bobby, who killed himself several times but couldn't die He became a friend and met a special girl, Noelle, and, of course, many “unnormal people”. In their lives at the hospital, they gradually recovered the meaning of life, especially Bob Dylan's lyrics, "He." Not Busy Being Born Is Busy Dying has given them tremendous strength to regain the courage to face the pressures of life. Finally, would Craig, who was discharged from the hospital, be able to bring his already dark life back to the sun, and how would he find an easy and full life? This is from Ned Vizzini's same-name novel was filmed at a pre-university school and a hospital in Brooklyn。