Performer:Britney Alison Finyas O'Connor Patrick O'Connor Maggie Baird Justin Bieber Eleanor Grande Katie Perry Orlando Bloom
Director:R. J. CUTLER
Performer:Hailey Baldwin Justin Bieber
Director:Michael D. Ratner
Performer:Lily Aldrich Alexandra Ambrose Jamareo Artis Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Justin Bieber Phredley Brown Kenji Chan Allison Bell Kara Devay Sharam Diniz Lily Donaldson Dwayne Dugger Jordan Lindsay Ellison Barbara Fialio Isabelle Fontana Madeleine Flavia Toni Ga
Director:Hamish Hamilton Dee Koppang O'Leary
Performer:Jennifer Aniston Courtney Cox Matthew Perry David Humer Lisa Kudre Matt Lebron Reese Wesselspend Lady Gaga David Beckham Justin Bieber James Cordon Cindy Crowley Kara Devay Elliot Gould Kit Harrington Larry Harkin Mindy Carling Thomas Lennon Christina Pic
Director:Ben Winston
Performer:Ben Stiller Owen Wilson Will Farrell Penelope Cruz Christine Wegger Fred Amison Benedict Comberbach Kyle Mooney Mira Čovovich Christina Taylor Justin Bieber Justin Sellocks Nathan Lee Graham Cyrus Arnold Kieffer Sutherland Billy Zane Jon Daley Sting Susan
Director:Ben Stiller
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