Performer:George Clooney Nicole Kidman Marcel Julles Alexander Baluyev Rene Medvesek Gary Wynz Landauer Batinikov Jim Henny Alexander Strombel Holt McCalani Michael Portman June Coprant Carlos Gomez Amin Muller-Stal Slavko Juraga Aleksandr Peskov Dejan Asimovich Ma
Director:Mimi Ryder
Synopsis: In the remote Russian garrison, two trains collided and exploded. This was followed by a nuclear explosion, which caused extensive casualties in Russia. Julia Kelly, White House Counter-Nuclear Smuggling Intelligence Nicole Dr. Kidman suspected that the nuclear accident was not an accident. To track down the beginning of this explosion and find out the truth behind it, Julia and Lieutenant Thomas Will of the Army Special Forces George Clooney was ordered to conduct an investigation. In their hard investigations, they discovered a dramatic plot. A nuclear terrorist impersonating a politician has brought nuclear warheads into the United States proper to blow up the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The female director Mimi Ryder's movie virgin《End of day alert》Based on articles from the senior investigative journalists Andrew Cobern and Leslie Cobern, the material was derived from declassified information collected by the Coberns and from real news events。