Performer:Jack Behakelo Marina Fai Barboza Keo Blart Leandro Daniel Daniel Warren Marcello Errotti Rosa Marya Colin Pascoal da Conceição Giovanni de Lorenzi Romulu Istela José Fedargo Tarccio Ferru Giulio Lopes Bruce Malcolm Johnny Masaro Marina Moschen Rosamaria M
Director:Luciano Sabino Fabrício Mamberti Bernado Sá
Synopsis: The play talks about the Medieval Kingdom of Montemor and the Kingdom of Altena. For many years, the two countries have lived side by side in harmony and have reached agreements on water supply. The Kingdom of Altena is rich in water, while the Kingdom of Montmor lacks water. The Kingdom of Montmor is offered mineral resources in exchange. This agreement ended at the passing of the Queen of Montemor and shook peace between the two countries. Alfonso(Romulu Estrella Rômulo Estrela)It was King Montmor's Crown Prince, who was raised as the heir to the throne in childhood and who was respected for his integrity. Instead, his brother Rodolfo(Johnny Masaro Johnny Massaro)No responsibility and nothing,i'd like to see the kings and nobles of all nations. Alfonso was ambushed by a gang of robbers during a search for water, seriously wounded, by a civilian girl, Amaria, from Altana(Marina Fai Barboza Marina Ruy Barbosa)To save her, Alfonso fell in love with her and gave up his throne,The relations between the two countries are even more precarious when given to their brother. Princess Catalina of Altana(Bruce Malcolm Bruna Marquezine)She saw a good time to invade the Montmor State and conspired with her allies to plan territorial expansion。