Performer:Rainer Werner Fasbind Margaret von Trota Günther Neutze Hannah Shigura Wilmut Borell Christina Schubert Walter Zedmeer Curtis Kaufman Miriam Spoerri Johannes Barski Michael Genna
Director:Volker Schlondoff
Performer:Alessandro Gassman Alessand Gman Johannes Brandrup Turin Refenstein the Efenstein
Director:dominique othenin-girard
Performer:Klaus Johannes Behrendt Becker Anja Lais Dieter Mann Lyn Künneke Alexander May Andrea Savarts Leonard Lansing Rke Bruck Horst -günter marx gudrun janeste guido foehrweisser ec vaessen chstiane lemm detlef erstedt
Director:Ilse Hofmann
Performer:Gooz George Corina Hafridge Klaus Johannes Belent
Director:Kaspar Haiderbach
Performer:Uwe Bohm Johannes Brandrup Ulrich Mühe
Director:Jörg Grünler
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