Performer:Karel Roden Zuzana Fialova Zuzana Byzowska Roman Luckner Marek Adamczuk Jan Budar Ondrej Novak adam Kusta Veronika Kubarova Detlef Bote Joachim Paul Asbock Marika Sopolska Robert Nebrsky Jan Vondrasser G Thomas Zielinski Yakub Zindulka Nor
Director:Chekh Nikolayev
Synopsis: On 27 May 1942, after Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated by Czech agents in Prague, Hitler was very angry and, at Hadrich's funeral, he shouted for revenge, calling for the blood of millions of people to be used to pay for Hadrich's murder。 Some 3,000 Jews living in the “special residence” in Treginstadt were sent to death camps, with unknown numbers。 The SS in Prague is horrified。 They are well aware that if there were no results in the capture of Hadrich's murderers, there would undoubtedly be a trigger for Hitler's desire to kill those responsible for the failure。 Arthur Neber, in the name of the Imperial Central Security Service, ordered the urgent printing of a large number of German criminal alerts, which contained telegrams to local police stations and local administrators, instructing: “The stations are to be filled with explosives、special surveillance is carried out on trains and all means of transport; all foreigners residing in workers' hotels are registered and checked; no suspect is allowed to cross the border.” the gestapo placed a network of assassins with relentless efficiency. For Hitler, Reinhard Heydrich's death was much more costly than that of the Jews。 one of the most brutal acts of revenge, a massacre that the czech people will never forget. The target of the reprisals was a small mine village called Lidize, located in the Koladino area, north-west of Prague。 Lidizé is a beautiful place, sitting in a low canyon, surrounded by small village churches with a patch of grass, landscapes and colours。 the villages are surrounded by large and small pastures and orchards, where the villagers live in a very calm, self-sufficient and political interest. On 4 June, the day Heydrich died, Lidize was searched for the first time。 However, witnesses still remember how a group of SS and Gestapo in Prague came from the main road and broke into the village with impunity, and how the residents were lined up to check the identification。 Interrogations are conducted by the SS and the Gestapo。 Throughout, threats and intimidation were widespread, but, in general, the inhabitants of Lidizé did not suffer much。 Perhaps for the sake of pleasure and perhaps for the absence of any weapons or “evidence” to prove guilt, F-FDTL and police detachments broke into the residents' homes or looted their belongings or threw furniture into the streets。 Clearly, for the Gestapo, “evidence” can be forged。 the truck of the german defence forces finally went all the way back to prague. No formal link was found between the murder of Lidizeh village and Heydrich。 One excuse for choosing this village as a target is the fact that two families live in the subterranean area——The Hocora family and the Stribern family, whose sons are members of the Czech underground resistance in England。 In addition, the Germans claimed that machine guns were hidden in the village and that British paratroopers had landed in the area。 However, those who survived the massacres that followed today categorically deny these allegations。 finally, the families of hocora and striberni were arrested, but no trace of the parachute was found. The second critical incursion into Lidize was on the night of 9 June。 On the day of the funeral for Heydrich, there was Carl Bom's “initiative”, who called Himmler in Berlin to inform him that there was sufficient “evidence” to charge the village and recommend retaliation。 bom reported on the target: lidizes village in the coradinó region. on 9 june 1942, at 1945 hours, the head of the ss area, carl frank, called from berlin to give the following oral instructions: /> First of all all adult male residents shot; Second putting all female residents in camps; Thirdly gathering children together and sending qualified children to the imperial ss home for germanized education; remaining children who are not suitable for germanized education are given other forms of education; /> Fourth the whole place needs to be burned to the ground by the fire brigade. Bom set out to head the operation personally in Coradinau, accompanied by Dr. Otto Göschke, head of the Gestapo in Prague, and Mr. Wisman, head of the Gestapo in the Coradinau region。 The regular police in the Koradino area have blocked the village and left only one mouth to allow residents to enter。 subsequently, a group of security police, led by the ss commander, max rostock, entered lidzier. Subsequently, the Gestapo reported that 199 male villagers had been executed and 195 female villagers arrested during the operation。 The special death squad from Prague erected a line of mattresses on the wall around the barn to prevent the rebound of stray bullets。 They picked out grown men and boys and shot 10 women at a time、The young boys and children were sent to transit camps; women were eventually sent to the Lavins Brac concentration camp, where 9 of the 95 children were considered worthy of Germanized education; and the majority of the children had disappeared for sale, of whom only 16 had been found after the Second World War。 Nine children selected will be handed over to parenting organizations—— a system favoured by himmler for the welfare of maternity families and children who were fathers of the ss. However, the entire village was torched, blown up, bulldozed and the rubble removed。 Poultry、The pet was shot and the grave was dug up。 Beyond a plain that will soon be covered with weeds, traces of the existence of this village have disappeared clean and clean。 The following day, a long-written version was broadcast on the radio: “In the search for the assassins of the SS General Heydrich, there was ample evidence of the support of the village's inhabitants and their help. In addition to helping the perpetrators, the residents participated in other hostile actions against Germany. For example, possession of ammunition and weapons、Illegal possession of transmitters and accumulation of special state controlled goods……all the buildings in the village have been demolished and the name of the village has been erased.” In a sense, however, the village of Lidize has not disappeared。 The Germans themselves are responsible for this omission。 A lot of details describing the massacre have been taken into old-fashioned footage by Imperial Film。 The film recording the Lidizé massacre became an iron fact and evidence of the trial of Nazi war criminals before the Nuremberg Military Court。 The last moment in this village, the burning house of Lidizes, is the last thing that remains、Patrol troops and police travelling through the streets and, of course, bodies on the Horak ranch。 the body of a dog who was chained to the doghouse was also ingested into the camera; then the camera swayed through a binocular to a german officer: in the camera, the tower of the village church was blown up three times before it collapsed; apparently, the officer was angry; the priest had already been killed, and the film also recorded the “image” of the destroyer himself: they're laughing at the camera like they're making a home movie, and they're kidding each other. in order not to leave any traces, the gestapo captured a large number of labourers from the jewish settlement near trekin and forced them to set up a special railway in lidizé village for the purpose of removing all the debris from lidizer village and transporting large amounts of waste bricks from lidizer every day. when the work was nearing completion, some of the labourers were sent to concentration and death camps, and a group of people were shot to death, and the bodies were burned and buried. The Gestapo is outraged by the deliberate creation of white terror in the village of Lidiseze and elsewhere, which failed to warn the assassins。 Reports that have been adopted and reviewed have also become worthless。 Heinz von Panwitz——The head of the Anti-Subversion Section of the Gestapo of Prague recommended to Frank that a pardon be granted to anyone who is prepared to confess for a specified period of time。 heinz eventually convinced frank to limit the period to five days and issued a pardon announcement on 13 june. On 18 June, the Gestapo discovered seven assassins in the basement of the Kalel Bromejski church, and after a shoot-out, none of the seven agents survived, both of them drugged themselves and the rest ended their lives with their own guns。 Finally, the Gestapo will be assassins——czech chief warrant officer jan kubis' head was cut off and shown to his family, and his elderly mother fainted immediately. The assassination of Heydrich ended, and the village of Lidizé disappeared from the map, but after the Second World War the Czechs began rebuilding the village of Lidizé, and the original inhabitants returned to their former places of origin and saw only a barren grassland。 in the excavation work, the workers discovered an old village sign for the village of lidizé, which remains in place until now. destruction and rebirth /> The Gestapo razed the village of Lidice、The attempt to eliminate it from the face of the Earth has aroused the anger of the peoples of the world。 On 12 June, as soon as news of the Lidice tragedy spread, a small town in Illinois, United States, announced its name Lidice。 A month later, San Horonimo, near the capital of Mexico, was also renamed Lidice, and has now grown into a major city of 2 million people。 Next, Brazil、Venezuela、Israel、Some villages in South Africa and others、Street、Even the girl's name is Lidice。 people from all corners of the world, though ignorant of each other, have not come together in solidarity with the czech people in their suffering for the purpose of fighting fascism. Starting in 1948, volunteers from around the world built a brand-new village of Lidice next to this ruin。 In the middle of the old village and the new village, a beautiful rose garden provides a bridge of happiness。 The seeds of those roses were given by peace-loving people from around the world, among them the blessing of China。 The ruins of the old villages have long been covered by large green grasses, with green trees and gold ponds in the rise and fall slopes, leaving people in heaven。 It is not only a matter of emotion that only peace can bring such a beautiful world and that, with peace, humanity can hope。