Performer:Lila Betty Damien Bonner Luc Schiltz Larisa Faber Elsa Rauchs Jules Waringo Joël Delsaut
Director:Josim Lafosse
Synopsis: the video tells the story of a family that faces dual emotional disorders together. Damien's a painter. As a twin patient, he's passionate about life and art——insisting in the creation, almost paranoid in the conduct of household chores, with the energy and energy of the entire family going out to play and performing in the open, sometimes in depression and despair, has failed. in the face of another outbreak in damian, the pain and stress of his wife leila have accumulated. she had to join damian's father in pain in bringing damien to hospital for compulsory treatment. The sons who watched all of this were unable to understand their father ' s illness or their parents ' growing feelings of breakdown. Daddy's finally back from the hospital, son full of joy. I don't know. It's the beginning of a broken mother……