Performer:David Edenburg
Director:Jamson Posey Helen Scott
Performer:David Edenburg
Director:Elizabeth White Justin Anderson Emma Naper Ed Charles Chaden Hunt Freddy DeVas
Performer:David Edenburg Signey Weaver
Director:Iriste Fassier
Performer:David Edenburg
Director:Adam Geiger Sally Thomson Bridget Appleby Nick Green
Performer:David Edenburg Sylvia Earl Ben Fogel Craig Leeson Barack Obama Jo Ruxton Tanya Streeter
Director:Craig Leeson
Performer:David Edenburg Greta Tomberg Michael E. Mann James Hansen Sunita Narain Mark Maslin Andrew Shepherd Peter Stott Richard Black Richard Lazarus Catherine Mitchell Naomi Oreskes Tim Lenton Colette Pichon Battle Sarabpal Bhatia
Director:Serena Davis
Performer:David Edenburg Max Hughes
Director:Iriste Fassier Keith Shawley Jonathan Hughes
Performer:David Edenburg Elena Bennett Jason Box Terry Hughes Anne Larigauderie Cheikh Mbow María Neira Carlos Nobre Veerabhadran Ramanathan John Roxterren Daniella Teixeira Greta Tomberg Ricarda Winkelmann
Director:Jonathan Clay
Performer:David Edenburg Bhashkar Bara Dulu Bora Anshul Chopra Christine Gabriele Meghna Hazarika Russell MacLaughlin Salim Mandela Janet Neilson Justin Perrault Suzie Teerlink
Director:Tom Beard
Performer:David Edenburg Sean Carroll Craig Childs Brian Cox Alex Filippenko Steven Hawking Kaledoshio Lawrence Krauss Janna Levin Phil Plait Martin Reese Mike Lowe Michelle Thaller Neil DeGlasser Tyson
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