Performer:Clear the line
Director:Mark Francis Max Pew
Synopsis: 'Walk With Me' follows a community of Zen Buddhist monks and nuns who have dedicated their lives to mastering the art of mindfulness with their world-famous teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Filmed over three years in France and the USA, this intimate and meditative film travels deep inside a world that seems far from our everyday, and reveals how the monastics transform suffering in themselves and in others through their deep enquiry into the nature of existence, suffering, and their true selves. 《A true miracle》A group of communities that have been able to repair their families. They've spent their whole lives following the world's famous teachers in mastering the true arts. It took more than three years before the shoot、America. This thoughtful and thought-provoking film has entered a world far away from our daily lives and has revealed how the monks have explored the nature of their existence in depth、The source of the distress and each other's true self-disturbing of themselves and others。