Performer:James Masten Alan Barinholtz Susan Berger Cassandra Blair Rashida “Sheedz” Olayiwola David Brown Kirk Fox Ross Kimball Pramud Kumar Teresa Lafache Maggie Leper Brandon Loeser Edy Modica Kerry O’Neill Whitney Rice Maria Russell Ishmel Sahid Ben Sward Ron S
Director:Jack Szymanski
Synopsis: By《Insensitive》“Steve” James Marsden was involved《Jury duty》(Jury Duty) is open, with the first four episodes to be broadcast on 7 April and the end of the season on 21 April. It's going to be a court of law、the multi-scenes comedy that combines the documentary elements. It's through a man named Ronald The jurors of Gladden documented the internal functioning of the jury trial system as a point of view. Ronald didn't know the whole case was fake. Everyone was an actor, including James——Within and outside the Tribunal——it was carefully planned. This highly confidential project, first disclosed in September last year, will be unique、Type Breakout、Put the whole story in the jury's eyes; it's a bit like Sacha Baron Cohen's here《Borat》And other works、Nathan In the form of a show like Fielder, it relies on James to improvise with some actors without scripts、unpredictable set course to create results. James was with a bunch of actors with improvising comedy background, and was actually summoned、Ordinary jurors were filmed and finished in a real court in southern Los Angeles. It's him《Western World》outside the show, free to finish. Get rid of James Besides, other, familiar actors include《Why love》“Luke” Evan Williams、《The last one》“Mary” Whitney Rice、《Love core》“Xtra” Edy Modica、《College girl Sex》“Eric” Mekki Leeper、and《A dog on reserve》“Kenny” Kirk Fox。