Performer:Clovis Cornák Barry Rainer Ali Abitan Bruno Rogers Elodi Bushe Andrey Markon Annique Christians
Director:Laurent Doyle
Synopsis: The first scene was made in a world-renowned movie at the Ring of France Legendary biker Bernard Enoch、Laurent Garabert A special conspirator Tiema Ogisan, for love's dream, marches to the top of the cycle The 40-year-old Feng So is a middle-aged snake whose son despises him and whose wife accuses him. He spent all his time on his beloved bike in order to avoid the frustration of his daily life, and when his wife found out that he was also a volunteer for this year ' s Ring of Law competition, she finally couldn ' t bear to ask for a divorce and to leave him with his son。 It was only after Remy was known that Feng Soo's life changed、And now it's the Remy effect of the waste, and Feng So decided to realize his long-sought childhood dream of participating in the Ring of France。 He's on his way home、Not well known; his race inspired many to join, and whenever he passed another level, he was getting closer to the finish line, the media went crazy about him, just under the siege of good professionals