Performer:Vadimir Brichata Leonardo Lear Manuela Araujo Tina Maurer Anna Lucia Thor Cauã Martins Pedro Bial Dominicans Montañel
Director:Daniel Reisand
Synopsis: The film was adapted from the real story of a man in a mask. Augusto(Vladimir Bridge)it was an artist who looked for a place to stay under the spotlight and set his mother ' s artistic path. his mother was an active stage artist in the 1950s. every effort was made to seek the applause of the audience, and he found an opportunity to win the audience's favorite role as the most popular clown television host for children's programmes in the 1980s. With a clown suit, Augusto has achieved unprecedented success. However, he became an anonymous celebrity because the contract clause prohibited him from disclosing his true identity. Augusto became a clown who brought joy to the nation's children, but did not give his son Cauã Martins brings happiness. In the eyes of his son Gabriel, his father was a man who sought to alienate himself. The film is full of humor and irony and exaggerates the world of Brazilian television back in the 1980s. The film tells the superreal story of a man looking for his own artistic value and his depravity。