Performer:Yale Glogras Yon Tomarkin Danielle Jadelyn Dibi Ben-Yosef Ido Di Capua Geri Gendel Tom Graziani Fares Hananya Steven Hilder Yoav Koresh Sarel Piterman Mel Rosenberg Howard Rypp Ami Smolartchik Itsko Yampulski
Director:Doron Paz Yoav Paz
Synopsis: In the past year, young and beautiful Sarah Parman Jadelyn It's been one of the hardest moments of my life. To make her happy, he bought her smart glasses. During that time, Rachel Klein, my friend Yael Grobglas She was asked to travel with her to Tel Aviv, the second largest city in Israel. Sarah set off with Rachel without thinking too much. On the plane, she met Young Kevin Red who studied anthropology Tumarkin the latter is deeply interested in the mysterious religion. as a result, after getting off the plane, sarah advocated a temporary change of itinerary and accompanied him to jerusalem with rachel. Young men and women rejoiced, singing and dancing, and once made salad forget the sad past. She was drowning in the night of Jerusalem, and somehow she was closer to the legendary gates of hell……