Performer:Robert Carlyle Catherine Gilsig Tom Contner Joanie Willie Ralph Brown David Socher Nigel Pine Golfred John Tom Hardy Susan Woodridge David Hayman Peter White Cosette Cortaire Natalie Bolt Sagelia Dazzi Moira Lestat George Lupano Ronald France
Director:Tony Michel
Synopsis: The ravaged hurricane is moving hard inland to Scotland. Robert Carlyle, Chief Designer, Thames Robert Carlyle And ex-wife——Sammy, Head of Watergate Engineering Jessalyn Gilsig I was told to go back to the gate for a security check and Robert's distant father, Professor Leonard Tom Courtenay based on its extensive experience, it is assumed that if the flood strikes, the thames gate will be crushed. he promptly reported the situation to ms. nash at the crisis control centre. however, his warning did not pay much attention to the fact that the crisis control centre experts were not able to judge the situation accurately and that the impeccable deputy prime minister had promised people that the floods would not reach london city. Three hours later, the flood peak arrived in London, and the storm jumped through the watergate, with hundreds of millions of tons of flooding rushing into central London and at short notice a vast ocean. Millions of Londonians are in danger. Robert, Sammy and Leonard have only a few hours to save the city……