Performer:Paul Eddington Nigel Hawthorn Derek Fordes Diana Hodinot Debra Norton
Director:Peter Whitmore Sydney Lotterby
Synopsis: The theory tells us the more power we have,The greater the responsibility; The more common sense tells us,More trouble; Experience tells us that there's always something inside of politics,There's another one on the inside... Our old acquaintance, SECRETARY JIM HARKER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES HAS SUCCEEDED! In the civil service, The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby, and the Master of Steel, My personal secretary, Mr. Bernard Wooley, After three years of hard work(Slowing and training), Huck finally entered 10 Downing Street, To become British Prime Minister! We'll play chess together, Old and new issues are on the rise, The Prime Minister's political career has been remarkable, It's bound to be no less than a minister. And.., Let's stick together around these three old friends, Let's go to Whitehall, where we can't see it