Performer:Toby Jones Roger Alam Richard Armitage Amy Lou Wood Anna Kaulder-Marshall Rosalind Eliasa Dilbara Molloy Peter White
Director:Ross MacGibbon Ian Rickson
Synopsis: Special recording during an outbreak、New re-editorial Chekhov in the West Side of London, 2020《Uncle Vanya》At the end of the show, the five stars were recorded again at Harold Pint. At a time when most theatres around the globe are still in darkness, there is a wake-up call and hope. By《Flag evening》"uncle vanya of our time." This edition is duplicated by the Oliver Prize winner、I've done it before《Captain America》《Prosecution witnesses》Waiting for Toby Jones《Hobbit》《South and North》the red richard amitić led the lead, and the video version also invited roger aram, the winner of the two-degree oliver prize, to join the coalition, and the kass framework was very visible. the script was newly edited by connor mcpherson, and the famous director, ian rickson, once again played the knife and presented the last one;perfect;"Strength" back-to-back, including the best playboys、four oliver award nominations, including the best director. The name of Chekhov《Uncle Vanya》Speaking of the disillusionment of spirituality, there is hope for reconstruction from another perspective: Uncle Vanya and his niece Sonya have been living in the countryside for many years, with only doctors, Astrov, visiting occasionally. Uncle Vanya works every day at the estate、It's all about Sonia's father、His brother-in-law, Professor Sherebriyakov. The worship of the professor supported his life's worth, but when the professor returned to the estate with his newlywed young wife, the order and illusions were broken……